elon kebede, executive director

Elon Kebede (Eh-lone Kuh-buh-duh) is a dynamic nonprofit professional and advocate of the Kansas City fashion community.

She is founder and designer for ÈLU by Èlon, an evening wear and bridal gown brand based in Kansas City, Kansas. She studied fashion design at University of North Texas, interned for African Mosaïque in Ethiopia, Brother Vellis in New York City, and Nardos Bridal in Dallas, and taught basic sewing skills to women in the Dominican Republic.

As a first generation Ethiopian-American, Elon’s overarching, long term vision is to develop her brand to a point she is able to have a related philanthropic endeavor that builds and operates schools in Ethiopia.

“I have chosen to build my evening wear and bridal gown business in Kansas City. As such, there are unique challenges to solve. Last year Fashion Arts Fund provided me with an exceptional opportunity via their mentorship program where I was paired with an experienced fashion professional, Tisha Mitchell, who helped me solve some of these challenges. I believe in Fashion Arts Fund and want to see it flourish so it can help other designers like me.” –Elon Kebede


Justin Betancourt, Stephanie Carlo, Elliot Carlyle, Jermaine Reed, Patricia Shipp, and Phil Willoughby

© FASHION ARTS FUND | info@fashionartsfund.org